Gouves Animal Shelter

Gouves Animal Shelter provides care and protection for stray and injured animals in Crete. The shelter was founded 2008 and since then we have had the privilege of helping thousands of cats and dogs. Our aim is to give the cats and dogs in our care a second chance at life, by providing food, shelter and medical care. During our first decade, we found homes for more than 4 000 dogs and have helped many, many more!
The shelter doesn't get any financial help from the government, so we rely heavily on donations from kind-hearted people. We constantly need for vaccinations and worming tablets, and sadly in many cases we find dogs that need immediate medical attention or surgery. We have about 200 dogs and 200 cats to feed and take care of every month.
By making a donation, even a small one, you can help save a life. One euro can mean so much to them, so if it is in any way possible, please consider helping these animals. Donations can be made to help an individual dog or a cat, or to a bigger cause, like medical bills. Please visit Guardian Angels needed and Donations page for more information.
We always welcome any donations of food, medicine or any of these shelter essentials: collars, leashes, blankets, even cleaning supplies. Due to the number of animals we care for, we always need these essentials, so any donation is very much appreciated!
If you're in the neighbourhood, living here or even on holiday, please do come and visit us. It means so much to the dogs to get some one-on-one attention, or even a walk! We are situated right next to a beach, so it´s the ideal place for a walk by the sea. It might be a small thing for you but it will be a huge treat for the dog!
If you are interested in volunteer work, we can help to arrange affordable accommodation and transportation. We always have a need for an extra pair of hands at the shelter!
We understand that not everyone is able to help financially or to come and spend time with the dogs, but there is something that anyone can do: please share our story with your friends and family. You never know how far the message will go, and how big an influence it can have on our furry friends.