Oskar with a ´k´
Hi, I am
My sponsor is
Alex Oswald
I am a beautiful and soulful girl with a fun name to match my character. I wondered to the shelter on my own one day since I heard this was a place for second chances. I used to wander around the area with my friend, who already got adopted. Unfortunately I have been tested positive for leishmania, but the disease is at a stage where I don't need medication yet. I don’t have any symptoms, so I would just need regular check ups with the vet to. I am very sweet with people and other dogs, but funny enough I am a bit afraid of cats, even though I'm ten times their size. But other than that I have no issues with other animals. I am all ready to find a home of my own and get that second chance in life. Would you be the one to give me that?
Want to help
Become a sponsor an guarantee that their daily needs like food and parasite treatment is covered. With 15€ donation per month we can make sure they have everything they need!

Hero for a sick dog
Become a Hero for a sick dog and we can make sure the monthly medical costs are taken care of and they can be as healthy as possible!