Very polite
Hi, I am
My sponsor is
I came to the shelter with my mom and 2 siblings a while ago. My mom and one of my brothers got adopted already, but me and my brother Benno are still looking for our forever homes.
l am a very polite and sweet nature. I love other dogs and animals and I am very good with people. I am calm and happy, but I can be a bit shy at first.
I hope my new home would have a furry friend to give me courage, or a family that is willing to give me a bit more confidence. I am quite easygoing so I would do well in most families. I just need someone to give me a chance. Would you be the one?
Want to help
Become a sponsor an guarantee that their daily needs like food and parasite treatment is covered. With 15€ donation per month we can make sure they have everything they need!

Hero for a sick dog
Become a Hero for a sick dog and we can make sure the monthly medical costs are taken care of and they can be as healthy as possible!