The big boy
Hi, I am
My sponsor is
Sandra Jandbauer
I have a bit of a sad story to tell. I was adopted as a puppy to a home, where I thought I would spend the rest of my life. But then something happened. I grew too big and my family threw me out on the streets. I was left alone to survive on my own. I was poisoned twice before some nice volunteers found me and brought me to the shelter. I was lucky to survive.
I get along with people really well and also have no problems with even small children. I am a big boy and sometimes my size intimidates other dogs. I could use a little training on how to behave around friends. But with a little time and patience I would make the perfect family dog. I am not recommended with cats.
My short life has had enough changes in it. Now I hope to find a place where I could spent the rest of my dog life, being loved and cared for. I am a big boy and need someone with a big heart to let me in their life.
Are you that someone?
Want to help
Become a sponsor an guarantee that their daily needs like food and parasite treatment is covered. With 15€ donation per month we can make sure they have everything they need!

Donate for neutering
Help us to reduce the risk of cancer as well as help us guarantee, no more unwanted puppies will be born to the streets or shelters.

Donate for blood test
Want to help and make sure our animals are and will stay healhty? With 50€ we can have her tested for the most common diseases like Leishmania and Giardia

Hero for a sick dog
Become a Hero for a sick dog and we can make sure the monthly medical costs are taken care of and they can be as healthy as possible!