The labrador mix
Hi, I am
My sponsor is
George, the beloved and devoted dog of Carr family, who passed away in 2020.
I came to the shelter in the spring of 2020, after having quite the life. I was born in 2016 and abandoned to the streets, but a lovely woman found me and adopted me. I was loved and cared for, but then she got sick and could not be with me anymore.
So i came to the shelter and here I am, waiting for a new chance. For the first few weeks I was mistrusting of these new people, I just wanted to go home, but now I have started to realize they want to find me one. I am really a sweet and good boy, who already knows how to behave in a home, so I hope someone would give me a chance!
Want to help
Become a sponsor an guarantee that their daily needs like food and parasite treatment is covered. With 15€ donation per month we can make sure they have everything they need!

Hero for a sick dog
Become a Hero for a sick dog and we can make sure the monthly medical costs are taken care of and they can be as healthy as possible!