Just waiting for a home
Hi, I am
My sponsor is
Catharina Borgegard
I came to the shelter a while back and was sterilized, because I was found to be in the early stages of pregnancy. I am a sweet girl, who gets along well with other animals, but I can be a bit scared of cats and intimidating dogs. So I prefer kind and friendly beings around me. I had a really good dog friend at the shelter, who already got adopted, so I am quite lonely here. I am just waiting for my turn to come and someone to fall in love with me and take me home. Would you be the one?
Want to help
Become a sponsor an guarantee that their daily needs like food and parasite treatment is covered. With 15€ donation per month we can make sure they have everything they need!

Donate for neutering
Help us to reduce the risk of cancer as well as help us guarantee, no more unwanted puppies will be born to the streets or shelters.

Hero for a sick dog
Become a Hero for a sick dog and we can make sure the monthly medical costs are taken care of and they can be as healthy as possible!